Coat of arms for the Grand Ducal family Hager of Hagersbourg

Here is a Coat of Arms for the Hager family of the micronational Grand Duchy of Hagersbourg.

In a way this heraldic achievement is a canting arms, since Häger is the Swedish word for heron. The charge is somewhat inspired by the royal badge of Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VIII:


Azure a castle Argent with a portcullis Or. On top of the castle a cut-off treetrunk proper surrounded by forget-me-not-flowers proper. Standing on the trunk a dexter facing heron Or with with wings addorsed, beak and legs Gules, holding an open crown proper in its lifted right claw. As shield supporters two bobcats (Lynx) Gules regardant with claws and tongue and ear tuffs Or, standing on two gnarled brances proper bound together by a celestial blue ribbon with the motto “Invictus Maneo”, The mantling is an ermine lined robe Azure. Shield and mantle are crowned by grand ducal crowns.

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