Speculative Genealogy, Haraldus II 1590 – 1662

Born in 1590, my ancestor Harald(us) the second of Lorenzburg became the reigning Prince at the age of 18 when his father Simonus died of a stray bullet in a hunting accident. Harald II was a man of great learning, especially in history, literature and art. He was the institutor of the Order of the … Continue reading Speculative Genealogy, Haraldus II 1590 – 1662

Prince Freï on “Finding your own Throne”

Every human being is called to find their own “Throne”. We are called to find the support for our own empowerment, emancipation and self-expression. As the Prince of Lorenzburg I believe in a possible radical freedom for every person on this planet, and it is my duty and calling to inspire every citizen to start … Continue reading Prince Freï on “Finding your own Throne”